I knew instantely I wanted to draw a dragon in the middle of a flower field, which ended up being a sun flower field. I wanted to draw something very summery for today, and has seen many sunflowers lately, which is what triggered my inspiration. I wanted the dragon to look surpriced, like we just caught him doing a very very bad thing, which would be stepping on the flowers. I also wanted to experiment a bit with the dragon type, and gave this one ladybug-wings, which I thought was quite nice. I want to make more dragons inspired by bugs in the future. I gave this drawing a very idyllic feeling, the feeling from a warm summer day. I added the fence to be show how he was not supposed to be in that field, and to give the illustration a feeling of danger, but I did not want it to be a big feature of the piece, which is why I made it smaller and simple. I think this image could look really good if I made it longer, perhaps even 3000 x 6000. I am not sure if I have time to experiment with that right now, but I want to in the future. Below is the process video of the illustration.