This is my UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT page. My blog posts are divided into the three main categories: Creative Practice, Research and Analysis and Evaluation and Professional Development.
In this year I have focused on my Philbert project, and working to create his story by avoiding planning and contemplating on the storyline. I have tried to keep the drawings raw, straight out from thought to paper. I have tagged these posts so we can look over them, and look over the progress within the posts themselves. I have added the reworks in this as well, since there was a lot of experimentation and thought going into it.
I have linked below the posts that show research and deeper thought into my work. I have linked some posts researching artists and creators that I wrote near december as well, as they are still relevant in my work, but mainly the focus is on the Philbert pieces and the thought that goes into these. I have linked my 6-month plan, even though that wasn't properly followed due to Covid-19 promptly following.