I and Jonathan decided that I would make one illustration every day for two weeks, and following the theme Opposites Attract, with dragons as the subject. This is my first piece.

I knew I wanted to draw two different kind of dragons, and played around with the types at the beginning before I was happy with a choice. I wanted the two to fly over the water, surrounded by tall stables of rocks. I quickly sketched the base, and went on from there. The blue dragon is very inspired by sea shells, and I wanted it to have an aquatic look. I wanted it to look like it could fish with its big snout, and I gave it a long body, with small arms, to make it seem like it could dive through the water. The red dragon is more of a mix between a goat and a lion. It has a playful expression and I wanted it to be more similar to a land animal than the other dragon.
Underneath you can see the entire creation of this drawing. I made it in approxiomately 2 hours.
Background is inspired by rock formations I have seen in movies, games, tv. Typically looks something like this:

I could not find better pictures, but I hope you get the idea. The mist is something I have done before, in this, kind of similar, older drawing. I thought a lot about this piece when I made the new one, and it has a lot of similar points. In both cases, the mist does both good and bad. I tested many times, and I am still not sure if I prefer it with or without the mist. I think the mist adds a lot of depth, and some spacial awareness, as well as closing in the piece. But it also takes from some of the vibrant colour. Let me know what you think! Below is the older piece.
