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Symposium Q&A

Writer: Sandra WilmannSandra Wilmann

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

Heya, I'm sorry again for not having posted too much, I have been having insomnia like crazy ever since my symposium. I am still reworking pieces and doing work for the final show! Finally its time to take an indepth look at the questions i recieved in my symposium !

? Great work Sandra. I really liked the idea of the viewmaster as well. Have you consider using anaglyph 3d glasses to showcase the work digitally? Should be very easy for you to do, as I am guessing you gave made the art digitally anyhow (Aristotle)

! Thank you! I have considered the idea, but when I was imagining it, it didnt seem worthwhile. I would love to make the viewmaster in the future, but I would prefer to keep the idea of the viewmaster in the physical form.

? I am curious to see where the idea for this project came from? You mention a few times that you don't like to be too influenced by research before creating a new picture, and I can personally relate to that, but still I do really wonder what you're thinking about while creating these, what drives you and what themes you're exploring? (Eugenia)

! It started very unplanned and organic, I just drew the character Philbert as a singular drawing, but wanted to expand on him. I Guess he cought my interest and he became my Project ! - I think the whole idea of not planning keeps me motivated to create more, to figure out whats really going on.

? What have you learned about exploration and adventure? Have you developed new and innovative ways of visualising both concepts through a sustained and methodical enquiry? (Pav)

! I have learned that I explore my work better without looking too deeply on whats next. I focus more on whats happening right now, in this piece, rather than considering whats going to be the next piece.

? I love the Viewmaster idea, it's an interesting way to show work. Would there be a way to create a digital Viewmaster? With a specified time on each image so your viewer doesn't linger too long on each image? (Kelda)

! I have considered having an automatic timer. It is exactly what I am working on right now ! But I am not completely sure about it - theres no timer in the viewmaster.

? Do you want to do an entire story that will come together in the end ? (Friederike)

! No, I want that to be up to the viewer. Perhaps they see another story than I see. I am considering making this into a story, and perhaps a book, after the exhibition.

? The use of squares of light really changes the work! How it alters the perception of space is really interesting. I find the idea that there isn't a story over multiple pictures interesting as it forces you to focus on each individual one, I wonder if the order in which you show them may unconsciously uncover a continuous story? (Ben)

! Thank you, I completely agree with the square lights. I think the order will be very important. I am still working on that, and am considering making it an random order, but I am also thinking the viewmaster wouldnt be random, and working without the random element might be interesting as well.

? Your work makes me think of many excellent adventure games, such as the legend of Zelda, the Breath of the Wild and so on. Watching, running, and adventuring in a space, every angle has its unique vitality. And the connections between them are very close, sometimes accompanied by hierarchical relationships. For me, this experience is a more diverse and better self-exploitation. (Leah)

! Yes, its no secret I am very inspired by both video games and cartoons. The child within me is happy to burst out at any oppurtunity. I take a lot of inspirations from games, and I want a lot of important milestones from those games and series into the project. Like the sci-fi element, magic, ect.

? very interesting way that you have embedded chance into your work. Are you interested in the way the viewer interprets the work? (Betty)

! Yes of course ! The whole work is about exploration, and I made the project this way so both the viewer and the artist could explore this work. I want the viewer to sense the feeling of adventure, as I felt when I was creating it.

There were some more, but they werent exactly questions, so I left them out.

Some update on me as well, I am feeling a lot better, just suffer from not being able to sleep, then suddenly sleeping for 14 hours. Its exhausting!

Streaming is going well also, I just hit 300 followers !! I can stream our exhibit as well, to show off both my own work and my classmates work.

Thanks for reading !

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