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One last philbert piece !

Writer: Sandra WilmannSandra Wilmann

Finally finished the big cat drawing ! Worked on it for a while on and off, and a lot of the time went to... finding the time to finish it. But here it is !

I went a lot back and forth on a few things, like the whiskers and positions of the paws, the fur markings ect. I experimented a bit with these, especially the fur markings took a long time to settle on. I am happy with the end result, I wanted it to have harsh lines with very bright colours. I have always been scared of using pure white in art in the past, as I have always been told youre not supposed to, but I am trying to get comfortable using it ! I think it works really well digitally, and I think this piece will fit well with the others.

It is generally very similar to the initial sketch, and the main point on why I didnt change a lot, is that I really wanted a piece where we feel Philbert all alone against something else. He always has someone by his side, but in this image its just him and this massive cat. I am very happy with how his stance turned out too, he comes across as a bit shocked, speachless. Even though we cant see his face, we can tell he has no clue what the right next move would be.

Even though we really dont know the ending of this scene, this drawing by itself is a lot about defeat. Even if he wins the fight, that doesnt matter in a sense, for in this moment we captured in this image, he feels defeated. I feel the sinking defeating feeling that he probably experiences in his tummy by looking at this and imagining yourself in a similar situation.


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